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The best alternative to expensive legacy systems for trading, news and analysis

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Fully digitized RegTech and capital markets software solutions

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State-of-the-art analytical tools for trading firms

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Workflow automations for buy-side participants

Symbol of CobaltFX logo


Leading provider of credit & post-trade FX infrastructure



Transforming commercial banking with automation, innovation, and scalable technology


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Market Data Solutions

Cutting Edge Technology and Market Data.

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Data Visualisation

Advanced Real-Time Data Visualisation

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Trading Technology

Unleash the power of trading platforms.


Fair Value Pricing

Independent fair value pricing for added transparency where current prices are not readily available

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Evaluated Real-Time Market Data

Independent real-time market data feeds at a fraction of the cost


Key Figures and Risk Indicators

Precise indications of the risk and return probabilities for financial products

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Financial Instruments Automation Platform

Reliable and cost-effective digitization process for securities and OTC trades

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Liquidity Management

Unparalleled insight into your trading with data visualization


Athena - OMS/PMS

Highly flexible Investment Management System

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Dynamic Credit

One credit limit - multiple market access points

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Post-trade Automation

Eliminate systemic risk, manual processes and reconciliation


Trade Notification Network

Enhances your business’ operational robustness and resilience

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Trade Finance and Payments

Athena, your OMS/PMS platform

  • Dynamic as your business
  • Manage your entire investment process
  • Instantly assess risks & monitor performance
  • Record financial transactions real-time

November 28th 2023

2 min read

Introducing the CobaltFX Trade Notification Network: Revolutionising FX Communication

Illustration of the TNN

Introducing the CobaltFX Trade Notification Network (TNN), an ecosystem meticulously designed to enhance and secure communication within the FX community while eradicating single points of failure.

Tailored for both banking and non-banking financial institutions, TNN empowers your business with reliability, serving as a platform for the exchange of FX trade messages and confirmations, without incurring any messaging cost.

Secure trading with the Trade Notification Network

The CobaltFX TNN is designed to connect all FX post-trade processes for banks and non-banks, offering automated backups and a robust framework preventing security breaches. Proactive in our approach, we ensure choice and uninterrupted trading by eliminating post-execution vulnerability.

The TNN is a network that seamlessly connects you to all your trading counterparts.

CobaltFX launches Trade Notification Network

Whether it is your primary solution or an alternative network, the connectivity not only delivers messages at zero additional costs but addresses post-trade pinch points, improves credit profiles, reduces time to match and enhances your competitive edge in the dynamic world of FX trading.

While the TNN interoperability can be a complementary support system to your existing toolset, it also presents a competitive advantage. It is a misconception that market risk ceases once a deal is struck as potential market risk exposure always exists until the trade is fully matched.

Leveraging CobaltFX’s TNN, you gain more than a mere exchange of messages; you acquire a safeguard against operational bottlenecks, credit inaccuracy and market exposure risks that would otherwise disrupt trading operations.

Driving progress in the FX market

In the realm of FX trading, while execution failures can be mitigated by shifting to alternative venues, a post-trade system collapse presents an entirely different challenge. It compels trading operations to slow down and, in critical scenarios, come to a standstill, leaving you unable to service your clients. This vulnerability is further exacerbated by the rising tide of cybersecurity threats. 

As reported by Forbes, the global economy is predicted to face cyber attack damages topping $10.5 trillion by the end of the coming year. This staggering figure underscores the urgency of treating cybersecurity as a strategic priority. The financial sector, including FX trading, is not immune to sophisticated cyber threats such as AI-powered attacks, next-level phishing, and IoT vulnerabilities. 

By embracing the TNN, you are not only safeguarding FX operations against these escalating threats but also fast-tracking innovation within the industry.

Ensuring that your post-trade processes are secure, efficient, and cost-free, amidst a landscape where cyber resilience is becoming increasingly critical.

Experience cost-efficiency at its finest

Transition to a network that prioritises efficiency without financial burden. CobaltFX’s TNN is committed to offering a 100% free messaging service, removing traditional financial barriers and ushering in a new era of efficiency and reliability for all participants.

Join and align your business with the future of FX trade communication, where progress, innovation, and resilience stand as the cornerstones of your operations.

Re-engineering the Foreign Exchange market with CobaltFX.

Driven by a vision to re-engineer the world of foreign exchange and challenge the status quo, CobaltFX has built a unique platform connecting trade counterparties to build an infrastructure empowering global financial institutions in accessing deeper liquidity, while deploying less credit and minimising operational risk.


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United Fintech acquires Commercial Banking Application (CBA) with backing from leading global banks

Image showing the market Securities and Athena logo as Market Security is now a customer of Athena

Market Securities selects Athena to power its financial infrastructure across key global regions

Standard-Chartered invests in United Fintech

Standard Chartered invests in United Fintech to bolster its digital transformation agenda

2 min read