Fair Value Pricing
Independent fair value pricing for added transparency where current prices are not readily available
The right data and tools for your trading and investment needs
One connection to global, multi-asset analytics, news and insights
Flexible solutions, comprehensive market data and services
Innovative, efficient, buy-side workflow automation solutions
All the data required for reporting and enhanced compliance
Digital solutions for a premium client experience
Enterprise-wide digitalization through a single platform
One platform, end-to-end digital transformation
Keep pace with technology, exceed customer expectations
Monitor, measure and maximize value
Quality, multi-asset data and analytics from a single vendor
'One stop' smart access to global trading and market data
Athena - New Launches
Launching a fund is complex and comes with a long action list that can delay the early stages of your firm. In most cases, new businesses are price-sensitive when it comes to signing with the best vendors. That is why Athena has been specifically priced to match these conditions.
Athena's front-to-back OMS/PMS fully adapts to your business model and requirements, allowing you to keep expanding in the best way without contracting additional solutions. With Athena, you only take the modules you need, being able to acquire more as your firm scales or changes.
Shape the digital future for financial institutions
together with United Fintech and our partner companies.